
Tuesday, August 28, 2018

Art Show

Hola! Our art show was on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday of Week 9 last term and took place in our school hall. Hauraki made paintings of a bird. Here is my painting of the bird. I made a tui, as you probably know from my last blog post. Here is a finished product of my bird: 

I also did some train art. Basically this piece of art will go in a new train station that is predicted to be finished in 5 years time. This is my train art;

Here is an explanation of what will happen.

My art and everyone else's train art is going inside the train station as a wall tile. Hope you enjoyed the my art, Blog Ya Later! 😃✌️👋

Wednesday, August 22, 2018


Hi Bloggers, a few days ago we played Interland. Interland teaches people to be internet safe. Just read the slideshow. Hope you enjoy!

I learnt that you shouldn't trust anything on the internet especially scams and emails. If you wanna check out Interland for yourself here is the link:

Technology Rotation

Hi guys, about 4 weeks ago we started doing the technology rotation. There were 3 different rotations in this activity. Geoboards, BP Challenge and the Papertronics. First we did geo boards. We had to cut off a 12 cm wood block for a long plank of wood. Then we marked a dot 2 cm apart the last dot. We filled up our wood with 25 dots. We got nails and hammered in all 25 nails. After that we started adding rubber bands on the geoboard. I made some weird shape and then wrote Hi

This was a fun activity but there is more activities.

Then we did the BP Challenge.
In this one we basically had to make a bridge or something that would hang a marble off the table but it has to be above table height. Here are some pictures:

This one was by far the best of all!
The last one is the papertronics. We had to make a circuit with tinfoil and paperclips. We had a LED light and a battery and we had to make the circuit longer by using the tinfoil or the paperclips. Unfortunately I didn't even get a circuit. I learnt in the geoboards how to use tools and in the BP Challenge I learnt how to use different materials to out advantage.

Friday, August 10, 2018

My Painting

Hi guys, a few days ago we made paintings. We got to choose a bird native to NZ and I chose the Tui because at school I am the house captain of Tui.


The materials we used are: water strength cartridge paper and chromacryl paint.

Here are the steps to making one of these paintings yourself:
Step 1: Draw up a bird or anything that you would like to put in a painting
Step 2: Draw a background that can fill up the gaps of your page so it doesn't look that blank in some spots
Step 3: Start painting the background before you paint the actual bird because you want your bird in front of the background
Step 4: Once the background has dried paint a second coat by using the same colour and painting again
Step 5: Paint your bird and do a second coat once dried
Step 6: Flex your bird by adding feather lines or dots to make it stand out

I like that the sky is so smooth and it fits perfectly into the grass and hills.
I don't like that I made the sun have some kind of green aura around it.
Something that I would like to change but I can't is probably the leaves without stems. I would either get rid of the leaves or make them bigger with stems on them.
That's it for my blog post! Blog Ya Later!

Stop Motion

Hi Guys, today we made stop motion videos. We used play-dough and we had to slowly move the play-dough so it looked like a tiny movie. We also had to take a picture each time we moved it. I did about 15 minutes of work for a 12 second video. It was hard not putting your elbow, finger, arm or body in the frame. Next time I would make it longer or do different videos.

This was so fun! We did this for about 40 minutes but I did make other movies. All the others were me messing around. Hope you liked my blog post and comment what I should improve! Blog Ya Later!